A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

Mini Kelpies

These mini kelpies have been roaming  Edinburgh and are currently in the Old College.

We have decided to go on holiday this October to Edinburgh. Yes, we do live here but we are going to be doing all the things we never do because we could do them any time and therefore do them no time.

Today we started off gently by doing a couple of photography exhibitions. We started off with David Bailey's Stardust which was very disappointing. From the rude and obstructive staff -starting with being accosted immediately we went in by a man demanding to know where we wanted to go - to horrible lighting meaning you had to run about to see the photographs (and some seemed impossible no matter where you stood) to little explanatory notes that were nowhere near the photographs they were supposed to be explaining. We enjoyed most of the photographs but thought the exhibit was awful. So called National Gallery.eh?

Thankfully the Victorian Photography exhibition at the Museum was leagues apart. Absolutely fascinating to see how photography was developed (boom boom) from various different methods plus of course loads of old daguerreotypes, calotypes etc to view. The daguerreotypes especially were very impressive. Amazing quality, even after all these years. Great stuff.

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