Just the Withers......

By JaneW

You know when you laugh so hard ...

That you wet yourself ?
Yes you do... You know just what I mean .. Even if it's only penny piece sized ..
ANYWAY I had a terrible hangover when I awoke this morning but bloody hell it was worth it... Velvet frog and I have decided Mr W is a right smug bastard who simply cannot hide his competitiveness .. And Aging rockstar is sly competitive in a sinister and silent manner and he's shifty ...
Whizzy (Velvet frogs daughter ) is just stupid .. Eve is an air head,Lucy is feral and VF and I are brilliant and funny and really nice .... AND not one of us is much good at crazy golf.We also went on the beautiful Ferris wheel and then all but VF and I went go karting .. Lucy LOVED it ! She's a speedy little horror.
I've got good weekend comedown ... Sigh ...

Whizzy had to leave at 3.30 to go all the way back to Worcester where she is at UNI .. She took Eve with her so Eve could leap out at Stratford upon Avon (where we live ,otherwise that would be silly ) and meet her friends ...(Whizz did bring the car to a stop I assume when she let Eve out as I see no evidence of missing skin) ...

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