Nudist Scarecrow

It's been a fairly overcast day, the odd bright spell but never came to much. 

After I got my chores out of  the way, I had the rest of the day to myself.  I popped along friends Madeline and Big Brain for a cuppa and chat.  In the afternoon I went for a run with Peerie Brian out west.  When I got home, brother Jonny, Ruth and the family were along mam, nice to pop by and see them all :)
I ha to work an extra shift in the pub this evening.  It's been a busy night with the rugby on telly and then football to follow.  Back home and time to get the feet up for the night :)

While traveling into the village of Voe, I thought I spotted a nudist in a field, bit chilly to be nude was my first thought :)  It turned out to be a scarecrow wearing a faded boiler suit on :)  Still, it gave me a good giggle as I drove off :)  Looking towards Flett, Voe.  

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