A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Not especially. The cushions don't have much bounce in them.  As well as the owl and Green Man, we had Steve carve a seat into the poplar trunk.

The 'foot cushion' is there to cover the gaping rot hole that appeared when he opened up the trunk; and this rather limited his options for the rest of the throne (as it's getting known as).  On the other had, it's still sprouting from the top of the seat.

After a full house of breakfasts we spent the remainder of the day in the garden - E clearing swathes of brambles in the 'tennis court' area (which is now rather more tennis court sized) while I got the chainsaw out and dealt with the growing piles of next year's firewood.

Finished off with burgers around a huge bonfire of brambles, buddleia and laurel.

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