A time for everything

By turnx3

Afternoon walk

We arrived at Manchester airport around 8.30 am - in the rain as usual! We were very soon through the formalities of customs and immigration and then had our usual long wait for a car at Hertz - they always seem remarkably inefficient there. It's only quite a short drive to Roger's sister Janet where we are staying. We had a second breakfast (that on the plane not being terribly substantial!), then went up the road to Roger's parents. After lunch it had stopped raining and we went for a walk with Janet and John around their local area, which is decorated in several places with statues and pillars of a Roman theme, since a Roman road once traversed the area. When we were younger I managed to stay up on the first day without too much difficulty, but the older we get it becomes more of a struggle, and I did succumb to having a short nap before going out to eat in the evening!

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