
By MillJack

My Healthy Start

Well day 2, and I have chosen the devil diet consisting of 3 small meals a day without cheeky cheats.
Surprisingly you feel better inside but far from it on the outside..
Anyway I'm going to be mixing the Devil Diet with a hour and half of gym work and upto level 8 on the bleep test already.
Having family very close to where the explosions took place yesterday in Turkey was a worry but nice to hear from them safe and well but awful for the families who now start the grieving process.
The last couple of days I've started to watch a little TV something which I'm not into really, I was very impressed with Sereane Jones the scorned woman in Dr Foster,a perfect way after the initial pain of knowing your partner is cheating and then gaining control to expose the other person.
Also goggle box which I have found highly amusing and then when I finish work the evil 6 seat challenge which I personally think is not the correct way to chose your final 6, but it certainly is a way of knocking young and vulnerable young talent..

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