
Nice calm day today. Mosied around the charity shops and bought a few bits and pieces. Then coffee and a gingerbread man together with chips (not all at once!) made up for missing breakfast.

Three people I don't know who were at uni with Mr H turned up to reunite and watch the Wales match. The pub was busy and it was difficult to get a view of the TV screens. The loud supportive shouting was quite energetic and I decided my eardrums would much prefer me to take time out so I went for a walk, took some photos in the fading light and sat and enjoyed the moment. Very nice indeed. I later caught up with everyone who had moved to another pub where the screens were more accessible but the place was equally loud. Looks like Australia have it in the bag.

I'm planning a quiet evening and hope to go to sleep with the waves and pebbles making their lovely song outside the window.

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