Lining up

Today didn't go as planned.
Just before midnight I was woken by the phone - son needing some emergency babysitting. He and he wife were stricken with food poisoning and the wee one was screaming and wouldn't stop.
So out half asleep across town to the rescue. Grandson was so pleased someone came to pick him up he calmed down fairly quickly but insisted on cuddling up to me in the spare bed and we had a somewhat disturbed night - me more than him.
I got him and his brother up, dressed and breakfasted and then their "Auntie Liz" came and took them to the park and other grandparents were on their way from "up north".
I left the adults to sleep and came back and slept myself for a bit and decided I would go for a run. Mr Rat was away running up and down a mountain and I had been going to do St Andrews parkrun and a short trail race but it was too late for them so I went across to Tentsmuir and just ran and ended up doing at least 9 miles. Then a short walk to get some photos, see also the extra, I don't know if it was wild or an escapee.
I think it's an early night tonight

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