Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

I Miss You

Loki holding a flower while I (cruelly) told him Mr. Badger was around (he wasn't - he was nerding it up with some friends). It's hard to get dog models to show emotions okay ... sometimes you gotta lie! (Sorry for all the dogs holding flower photos, I am trying to get one I love enough to enter in a photo competition)

I had to go pick up 100 lbs of meat today. Looking at my car's trunk stuffed with meat, I started questioning what life decisions I keep making that ends in this. Dogs. It was borderline a disaster though. I called the meat lady before I left (her place is around 40 minutes away) - she gave me the okay, but said I might be there a few minutes before her. She had to go out to New York to pick up an order of beef and she was running a little behind. I just wanted to get this task over with, so I took off. I eventually found her place - there were unmarked streets and I (stupidly) didn't use my GPS. Sigh. And the house number was obscured by the torrential down pour that was going on, complete with thunder and lightning and high winds. I finally parked in her driveway, and she wasn't there. She called me shortly after all upset because she was going to be much later than she thought, since her rental truck's windshield wipers weren't working and she was driving through the thunderstorm/hail storm/wind storm (much worse than I experienced). I just told her to drive safe and turned on some music and messed around with my camera. For over an hour -_- Ah well. Eventually she showed up and we made the meat exchange! I got to meet her dogs too. She has Dogue De Bordeaux (check out this wiki article if you don't know what those are) and they were wicked big goof balls :3. I didn't take my camera with me out of the car however, so no photos =\ Phew, so that chore is finally done. Now I have to package up 100 lbs of meat and somehow stuff it all into our chest freezer. Hopefully Mr. Badger will be willing to help ;)

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