Warwickshire wanderings...

Up very early to see my brother off to Singapore, then, still half asleep, we headed north to Warwickshire...

Luckily enough, the motorway wasn't too busy, and the foggy patches eventually cleared. Arriving in Warwickshire, we stopped off at Packwood House, a Tudor House, now owned by the National Trust. Lunch was Pumpkin Soup, made from produce straight from the Kitchen Garden. Packwood is most famous for its sixteenth century collection of Yew trees (extra photo 1).

Late afternoon, we arrived at our home for the weekend, the most gorgeous converted granary barn, on an old fortified farm that dates back as far as the thirteenth century, complete with arrow slits! My second extra photo shows the entrance gateway to the enclosed farm courtyard, and the main farmhouse. Shame about the cars!!

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