twinned with trumpton



So awake early - 5.15 - pondering stuff.
And working from 7; a tricky one today with a deaf / blind person - who do you communicate with someone who can't see you or hear you? Oh and has learning difficulties too. And you have to deliver bad news?
So a morning of reading up an hour and a half of doing it and an afternoon of writing it up and trying to get someone to take responsibility for it.

In between, the usual supportive helpful parents (open palms; 'nothing to do with me'), holiday planning / packing, some domestic drudgery during my lunch break (it was a good drying day)

And I spent twenty minutes post visit / pre going home at the sculpture workshop just taking photos; detaching from the crap and letting the artistic half of the brain take charge for a while. Yup, I am looking forward to the time off, but that also presents challenges...

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