Shopping Run Fun!

Well who knew a trip to get food could take up most of the day?!  I set off for Waitrose fairly early after an abortive attempt to catch mist on the river! It was there when I looked out the attic window, but after the time the animals were fed and I'd had an espresso  it had gone! But I only discovered this once I was down by the river - lucky I went by car!!!
On the way to waitrose I stopped in a favourite place to get tree photos - I ended up with cows instead! They were definitely "Ladies Who Munch" - three in a rather attractive line chewing the cud! I'm guessing this was from their first not second, third or fourth stomach compartment!
After a great shop and stop at the vegetable shop for uber greens for 3 lots of chickens - yep chicken sitting again this weekend! - I took the scenic route down Pheasant Alley to Halton Quay! Good gracious there were hundreds of pheasants! In the road, in the hedges, in the fields! Plus a couple of birds of prey which I saw but were too fast for me - rather like the pheasants when I tried to photograph them in the fields - which is why you have this blip not a pheasant blip! But you will be pleased to hear no pheasants were harmed in the taking of any photograph! 
So a quiet night after putting the girls to bed on the allotment and firing up the incinerator once more - plus an early one as I intend to go early to Halton Quay in hope of mist and then back to open the girls! 

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