Light On The Greens

Got back on the golf course for the first time since we got back from holiday.

As it's National Poetry Day, and the theme is Light, I thought I'd share this poem by Paul Cookson:

Poets are Photographers
by Paul Cookson

Poets are photographers
Capturing moments in words

Snapshots of humanity
Pinpoints of reality

Poets are photographers
Capturing images in language

Articulators of feelings
Mirrors of experience

Poets are photographers
Capturing memories on pages

Seekers of the common ground
Sharers of the everyday

Poets are photographers
Capturing the elusive

Scribes of the wondrous
Chroniclers of the mundane

Poets are photographers
Poems are their pictures

He wrote this for last year's poetry day but it seems relevant to this year's theme too. I reckon you could swap the words poets and photographers around and it would still be true.

When I was still teaching, Paul Cookson came to read his poetry for one of our poetry days and get our students writing their own and he was absolutely brilliant.

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