St Botolph's

Meetings today in Colchester, the oldest recorded town in Britain. The pathway into Colchester town centre goes through St Botolph's Priory, the first Augustinian Priory in England (1103). The Priory was to be "free from the jurisdiction of any person, secular or ecclesiastical ..." which sounds bliss ... but not so blissful that the Canons were free from strife. The Augustinian rule of life begins with ....

Before all things, dearest brethren, let God be loved, then your neighbour; for these be the commandments that are chiefly given to us .... In the first place, inasmuch as you are assembled together in one place, that you be of one mind in the house; and let there be to you one mind and one heart in God. And call not anything your own, but let all things be common to you. And let there be distributed to each of you ... food and raiment; not equally to all ... but rather to each of you as each shall have need.'

A good way to be.

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