New lease of life

6:00 am  Get up
6:20 am  Put on a load of washing
6:30 am  Get Little Miss up
7:00 am  Leave house
8:00 am  Arrive at school
4:00 pm  Leave school
4:30 pm  Gym
5:20 pm  Supermarket
6:00 pm  Arrive home
6:05 pm  Hang out washing
6:15 pm  Dog walk (where Cousteau enjoyed the wind in his ears!)
7:00 pm  Home, empty dishwasher, make my dinner, feed the dog, make the lunches for tomorrow, tidy up.
7:40 pm  Sit down with dinner and a glass of wine - ahhhhh
7:45 pm  Little Miss arrives home from her Mum's house
8:00 pm  Start the bedtime routine
8:30 pm  To bed - exhausted. I was asleep before Little Miss, I think!

Night all.

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