Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


This is Rex and he looks huge here...he's not, he's still a baby but I think he will be huge! I thought the b&w would show off his markings more and he's eating cabbage there, not having green paint poured into him!! See how confident he is...this was the first time being allowed to roam around and, seeing as Rowan had the cabbage, he was the one Rex followed!

Quite a day! It's thrown it down all day. I was working at a GP surgery and that was all a nice change. When I got home, I thought I really didn't want to go to Manchester for a meal as the weather was soooo bad. I phoned Graham to cancel but he'd left his phone at home so I had to go and get the train as arranged....grrr, my brolly was blowing inside out and it was just horrible! The meal was nice and we had a bit of a mooch around Manchester before deciding to get an early train home. That's when we discovered that the trains had been cancelled due to flooding on the lines. We could get to Bolton and then there would be buses provided to take us the next 9 miles home. Only, when we got to Bolton, British Rail had failed to provide buses....not a problem as we would just have to get a bus but pay the fare. The bus was packed full and some of the passengers were an extended family who were returning home to Wigan from their holiday in Skegness....let's just say they were very loud! They were shouting to each other to "open the window" and asking each other if they'd "dropped one". Then they were singing stuff like "We're off, we're off, we're off in a motorcar!" Then they were yelling at the driver not to let any other passengers on because "we're chock-a-blcok back here, mate!...Health and safety!" Then the loudest of them (a bloke about 40) yelled at the driver to stop because he "felt sick" so the driver let him off the bus and the bloke went behind a bush and had a wee before getting back on the bus. I was so glad to get off that bus and to wave tarra to those Wiganers!!!!

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