Lali's World

By Lali


I liked the matching colours in this scene. I took this photo on my way to work this morning. That's before it started raining..

It's been raining all day long. It was cold, wet and miserable. I was quite surprised at how chirpy the tourists were today considering the weather. I suppose it's kind of expected in Scotland at this time of the year...

It was nice to finish my shift with a tasting of four whiskies.

After work, I went to the other Vodafone shop in Princes Street to get my SIM problem sorted. This time, the customer service person was much more helpful and managed to get my SIM activated. Now I can use my mobile phone again. However, I will have to update my contact list again... It will take a while, I guess... This is my fault for failing to back it up. Never mind...

Thanks very much for all your nice comments and stars yesterday. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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