Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

Fête du livre du Var 2015

While we were in Toulon I'd noticed there was a book festival going on, the culmination of which was on our last day here.  There were books being hidden all over the city and readers everywhere - pix will be on Flickr (eventually).  There was a huge tent, inside divided up into sections (genres) were tables with authors and their books so one could have them signed, it was a very busy event and rather hot.

Also happening was a museum open house, free entry to most of the museums in Toulon apart from the Maritime Museum.  We bopped into the Musée d'Art - gorgeous building but unfortunately not much to look at, there was a photography exhibit but none of the work on show was local, American and British photographers, still interesting to take a quick look.  Enthusiastic volunteer once again which was great.

Time to pack and asked the hotel to book us a taxi for early tomorrow morning, traffic on a Monday morning is not for the feint of heart.

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