Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

What happened to Summer?

Well a Southerly buster blew in this morning and blew Summer up North.  Pre dawn there was not a cloud in the sky and not a breath of wind.  At 7 am the clouds moved in and have generally lurked around all day looking sulky.  There were some brave souls in surfing at Nobbys.  The windsurfer (speck) near the seagull got a right telling off by the Life Guards over the loud speaker.  "Hey mate, stay away from this end, you have the whole rest of the beach to use".  The windsurfer came in and the Lifeguard drove off at lightning pace in the buggy to confront him.  I suspect there might have been some beating of chests going on.  Surf rage perhaps.

Now what a great lot of entries for Tiny Tuesday.  I have had a quick overall view but I will announce my favourites/commendations on Friday to ensure that they are all in.  After all Friday here is really Thursday for some parts.  Aren't you lot a clever lot.

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