Little Black Tailed Deer

Sometimes a name seem "right"; Black Tail Deer is one of those times. 

I am back at the beach; hubby & I spent most of the evening cutting and vacuum sealing the two Salmon he caught yesterday. One was about 40 pounds, so there is a lot of fish  for winter eating! Yummy. 

I had to go to the library to upload this photo; I don't know why our internet service will not allow me to upload a photo to Blipfoto; luckily the library is only a few short blocks away.

I will try to stay up for a little bit when I get back to the house so I can look at everyone's photos before bed. I'll sprinkle a few stars and hearts too.

Thanks for stopping in to look at my blip for today. Thanks for comments, stars and hearts for my recent blips! 

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