Dental Cleaning

Today has been gray all day but it hasn't rained - Yay!!

I started my day by going to the dentist for my 6 month cleaning and check-up.  All went well although Dr Lee thinks I should start using a Water Pix again.  That's simple enough.

I went outside and cleaned all the leaves and pine straw off the deck & porch.  I then decided to clean the bird feeders.  The feed that was in the feeders was damp and moldy from all the rain.  I go to cross the bridge, which spent two days under water, and skid on the slim and end up on my butt!

Both Whitey and Troy were outside and both of them immediately end up on the bridge to 'get in the action'.  Thankfully Jim was also outside and called the dogs so I could get up without a dog knocking me in the creek!

After dumping the moldy feed over on the burn pile and putting new feed in the feeders, I took bleach and water and my outside broom and cleaned the slim off the bridge.  Now I can't walk without using my walker!  Yup, I've over done it.  Oh well.  Tomorrow is another day.  >^..^< 

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