
By FergInCasentino

The Rake's Progress

About as far from Hogarth's series of eight paintings as possible. A day raking out the cracks in our brick path. Reportedly used by troops in IWW to get to the bay it is made of bricks in which you can still find the occasional finger impressions of the children that pressed and carried the clay to the kilns. 

It is a long path to our 'lookout' which affords partial views of the Dover Strait. At the moment it is lined with 'sows ear' - wild cyclamen - and Japanese anemone. It is a right pain to weed, soil continually falls from the steep slope above onto the path and tree roots burst the bricks out of level. Slippery in winter and hard going in summer it still has a quirky and slightly enchanting appeal.

Two thirds done.

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