A moment of calm

Yesterday the weather was perfect, but I spent most of the day in a marquee explaining why Peterborough, and King's Dyke NR in particular, is so important for this group of complex algae to members of the general public. This was part of an Family Day at the reserve, arranged to mark the re-branding of Hanson (the site owners) to Forterra, following its sale by Heidelberg Cement. I enjoyed the public engagement, not to mention the free hog roast, but was shattered by the end and didn't have any motivation to take any photographs.

It was another perfect still day and I should have been up before dawn, but didn't quite make  it. Nevertheless, the river was still rather misty and beautiful when I finally go there, just after 8am. After all the hustle and bustle of yesterday it was good to have a moment of calm.

In the afternoon, Chris, Pete and I went back to King's Dyke NR to help up the number of records obtained on their 48 hour Bioblitz. I'd already made quite a long list of plants, but took a different route and was amazed to find that the wild strawberries were flowering rather profusely, along with more scattered violets and wood avens - very unusual in October.

In the evening we had a Medieval-themed meal - slow-roast herbed pork, chicken with wine and raisins, honey rolls, herbed salad and buttered purple carrots followed by pears in syrup and apple moyse. All surprisingly delicious, even if we didn't really use traditional Medieval cooking techniques!

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