
By LadyPride

Big Red Cross

Back in the hormonal flunk. Pretty much escaped it last month so was feeling smug that all my health food shop hacks were winning out.

Then it came back with a vengeance. It started in that horrible meeting on Friday. Suddenly nothing was good enough again, lethargy hit, I start to feel anti-social and my self esteem plummets. And it's a viscous circle as feeling that way creates a bad aura that somehow attracts more bad luck.

I also get lazy which affects my work and that further perpetuates the problem.

Squidge is so sensitive to it as well. She starts to play up which again just makes things worse. And I'm a bad Mum for a few days relying on CBeebies and shortcuts to get through.

I've learnt now to just batten down the hatches, try and sleep/eat well and ride it out. Angus says he should put a big Red Cross on the door as a warning to people not to enter. You gotta laugh.

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