
By ChrisGroucutt

Kitten Play

MonoMonday's theme today is 'fun' and whilst there is generally a lot of fun in our house, we were all a bit zonked after the weekend and there wasn't much 'funergy' (fun energy) going spare, so apologies for plumping for the obvious and subjecting you all to another kitten blip.

After all, what could represent fun better than a kitten playing in a bunch of paper strips while Mrs G chops up school work. Not much. Apart from the fun of trying to get the shot with out being pounced on myself, which happened a few times.

Actually not sure whether this is cheating a little. Star is in reality a mono cat herself, so you probably wouldn't be able to tell if I shot this in mono or not. I'll never tell ;)

Thanks very muchly to Nickimags888 for hosting the MonoMondays this month. She has some stunning photos on her journal, highly recommended :)


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