Commercial Road

It's been a fine day, plenty of sunny spells throughout the day.  The wind has picked up and think we're in for a few breezy days.  It's clouded over this evening, and looks like it may rain.

Back to work after the weekend.  I've been on the desk today and it's been steady enough but quieter compared to last week.  Plenty of dismantling to be done after various events on over the weekend. 
After work I went down to see granny in the care centre in Levenwick.  Bad timing on my part, it was tea time but she chatted away and I managed to get a cup of tea at the same time :)
A few hours to get my feet up, before I have to head to work in the pub later tonight.

I managed a walk about Lerwick at lunchtime, while the sun was still shining.  Plenty of folk out and about, and that means plenty of chatting along the way.  I managed to snap a photo, here at the end of Commercial Street and the start of Commercial Road, Lerwick.

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