Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


A fairly busy indoor day for Arch and I. Neither of us were chuffed about it. I started sorting out clothes for our impending adventure. And checking-in flights, ringing the ex-car insurance lot to ask why we only got £20 refund, and confirming the hotel booking. None of which was straightforward.

RyanAir managed to squeeze another £20 out of me to book seats which I normally don't bother about. But there was not an option to take pot luck in the return journey, so I could proceed no further unless I booked seats. I could have left it a few days, but I didn't want to be bothered with doing it in the hols.

The car insurance chap explained that my total refund was 'split' for 'money laundering purposes' so I will get two more letters with small amounts of money, which will add up to what we expected. What a lot of paperwork! And why send an initial paltry sum as the refund, with no explanation of the process?

Archie and I stepped out mid morning as I needed a break from sorting out clothes that don't fit me any more. I now, for the first time in my life, have a spare tyre that Mr Michelin would be proud of. I blame the pills.

We picked up this Edinburgh University bow tie on our walk. I did actually look on YouTube to find out how to tie them, but gave up. Archie didn't care. I thought it might have been some exclusive Bullingdon type club, but I see it's just the Men's Hockey Club.

JR took Archie up the Hill in the afternoon sunshine. He's been rather bored today. And when he's bored but not actually asleep, he's either leaning his chin in my leg pleadingly, or looking for mischief.

I love my new phone - I can use it one handed. And it is a BIG upgrade from my old non-smartphone. The problem is network coverage. There is none in the house, despite their assurances when they sold the sim to me. Consequently, I can't verify my Google account, or indeed my iCloud account.

I may have to go and sit for a morning in dog friendly cafe where I can get coverage and get all these logins completed. Which actually sounds like a good idea...

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