Just A Few Logs

I woke up at stupid o'clock this  morning - 3 a.m. - wide awake and couldn't get back to sleep, so by 3:30 I was up with my first coffee!

Several coffees later and after a good breakfast we headed off for our walk. We went into the Bramham Park estate looking for some nice autumn colour, but although there is a bit it is still mostly green.

We passed this log pile at the wood yard, it does appear to be particularly large this year, I think they must have a long range forecast for cold weather. The yard used to be located in the centre of the village but the land was sold off for development and the business relocated into the estate. After an initial burst of land clearing and levelling the site was closed after the developer went bust. It lay unused for a few years but recently new planning permission was approved and building started again. The first properties are nearing completion.

The image is a 3 shot HDR as it was too dark to get a single shot.

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