A Survivor .. of the Gales

The strong winds kept blowing all night and it wasn't around lunch time they ceased. It is so good not having those strong winds blowing for now but they are to come back later tonight/tomorrow again but not as strong.

I had Hydrotherapy class this afternoon followed by physiotherapy on my ankle/leg. Not very long now and my six months will be up for the Hydrotherapy classes and I am going to miss them. One of the physios looked at me and said.. "you have had a total makeover and it looks good". Apart from John and the waitress at the Indian restaurant last night, no one else who know me has seen me since my new haircut and glasses. The waitress said that she liked the change and wanted to get some glasses like mind.

This tulip was looking good in the sunshine and the colour was so vivid, so I had to take a shot. It seem to survive the wind as it is surround by lots of foliage and had just come out. My poor other flowers are not fearing so well as they got a battering. The ground is very dry because of the wind so I had to give the garden a good watering today. First time this season.

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