Down by the beck.

Some time ago we had a wander along the River Eamont. Boss Lady said she'd like to try in the other direction.
It could have been quite nice, like this, but it isn't.
We had a run down to Tebay Services and back, for some decent Bacon. On the return leg She/We were discussing the likelihood of a misty, atmospheric shot & where to find one; there having been mist practically ALL day. NOT a chance of stopping en route on the M6 obviously, 
"What about  down by the Eamont?" says I.
After the wander along the shores of Buttermere, herself was still a bit stiff so I did a wander - solo. Maybe just as well.
1. Where we wanted to park said NO! you're not Anglers.
2. The 1st 200yds was rough track with field one side, little/NO sight of the river to the other.
3. A ruddy great wall plus gates, steering us away from the river for who knows how long.
Part way down the "road" I spotted this track - much more my style, so in I went.
A vast assortment of shots later we returned for a "sorting of the shots" Gaffer decreed that my reflection was too like a recent "extra" shot.
It was therefore ruled out in favour of this.
In the Extra you can see what stopped further wander without taking the "distant" Style way over to the left.

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