a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Cycling in Bath

I couldn't resist the contrast between the faces of the amused and animated passers-by in Bath's Abbey Churchyard today and that of the po-faced cyclist frozen in mid-breeze.   

Bath was heaving this morning, judging from the numbers of state of the art DSLRs on display, it is a busy weekend for the local tourist industry, and Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fuji et al are not going to be going bust any time soon :-)

We are off to see the Martian this evening, which promises to be an entertaining (and unusually for director Ridley Scott) feel good film.  I read and very much enjoyed the book on its first digital release before the author Andy Weir had managed to secure anyone that would publish in print form. The story originated as an on-line blog, and when you know that you can see it in the episodic way that it is written.  However, it is non the worse for that, in many ways it ensures that the level of interest is retained throughout.  Certainly writing for episodic publication did Dickens work no harm as far as I can tell.  I wonder what Hollywood will have done to it?

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