stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead


Another mixed weather day. Woke up to sunshine and fluffy white clouds but by the time I got showered and dressed it was pissing down again! Almost off by the time I was ready to go out so I walked it again. Sun was out by the time I was wandering up the Royal Mile. What was that all about?!! Still, made it up and down without getting wet so I'm not complaining. Another 8 or so miles chalked up for the green fest!

Really late tonight, so just a quick drop in with no time to check out your journals I'm afraid. Early start in the morning for another 4 film day but I'll try to catch up a little before I go out. Apologies to anyone I've been missing.

EIFF Update

Day Two

The Catch is the second film I've seen in the Shinji Somai retrospective. A little coming of age, a little class struggle and a little obsession. See it if you liked: Moby Dick, In the Bedroom or The Shipping News.

Rent-A-Cat was another Japanese film about a lonely hearts comfort provider in the form of a cat whisperer. See it if you liked: Amelie, Emma or Chocolat.

Fred is a story of a family coming to terms with aging parents. See it if you liked: Stepmom, One True Thing or The Family Stone.

Grabbers is a must see sci-fi/monster/horror/comedy set in Ireland. See it if you liked: Shaun of the Dead, The Host, Tremors, Troll Hunter, or... Father Ted!

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