On Some Days

By V1k1

Photos Photos . . .

so many photos taken by so many people on so many different devices. We have been on a tourist roller coaster the last three days going from one iconic American place to another.  After Monument Valley the next morning we went to Antelope Canyon.  This is a slot canyon that is formed by water erosion when there are flash floods.  The Navajo sandstone walls have been formed into flowing shapes and forms.  I had to be brave and climb down steep metal ladders to reach the bottom of the canyon.  I don't like heights but the forester encouraged me.  A very special place formed by nature and now very popular with people from all over the world.  The lady with the ipad is from Germany Chrissel and there was a Dutch couple BTW.    
In the afternoon we arrived at the Grand Canyon.  A very beautiful park like setting for one of the wonders of the world.
The extras are a couple far too close to the edge for my liking, the usual sunset shot, Monument valley in colour for Patrea., and me in the canyon.  The forester took it with the wee G10 I started this blipping lark with :-) The wifi is ripping along now.  Everyone else in the motel must be asleep.

Thank you to everyone who has been commenting on my journal.  After busy days and fighting with motel wifi  it is blip that sadly gets left out. 

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