
By bananablip

Family time

Two excited boys have just arrived. Pretty sure at least one, if not two, of them should be asleep but whatever, it's the weekend!

Good day at work which included ticking everything off on my week's to do list. So satisfying. Quick 5 mins with CS and then off to Wales for the weekend. Made the most of the glorious evening sunshine to wash the car ready for the VIP pick-up on Thursday. Then I managed a glorious 10km which was probably the most picturesque run I think I've ever done. Absolutely beautiful light and the fields full of corn ready to harvest. Unfortunately, I didn't get to stop and take a picture as I was chasing a PB. 

And now the family are all here and we are ready for a weekend of celebrations.

And, talking of celebrations...a very Happy Birthday to our very own sakalasafari and her wonderful sister, Esneya. Now I think I've wished them a Happy Birthday on every platform possible. But they're worth it!

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