I did have a rather lovely photo of a butterfly/moth (not sure which it is) which was bold/sleepy enough to let me get close enough with a 50mm to fill the frame. But that's all a bit boring and the sort of shot that says nothing about anything. So here's the terrace I keep going on about. This is the half in front of the kitchen, the other half is just potatoes and irises. Twelve months ago this was entirely covered in brambles. Actually, six months ago it was still entirely covered in brambles. So even though Mr B (back from London) pointed out that I'd managed to create a wildflower garden, I'm pretty pleased with it. Nothing is really in the right place, but it seems to make the bees happy, and it makes me happy too.
More floor cleaning, more trying to earn a crust and Mr B was happy with my DIY job on the window. Perhaps I will sleep easy tonight, which I certainly need to having spent half last night patrolling the house with a big metal bar looking for the mad axe murderer I was sure I heard crashing into the house. It was probably just another bit of our neighbour's house falling down.
Dull backblip for yesterday now available... (it's the way I sell them).
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