
Oooh, she is annoyed.  She just typed a whole story, and hit the wrong key, and wiped the lot.

Now where was I?  Oh yes, looking dorky.  For those who say I look dorky, I so do NOT look dorky - I'm just trying to smile, being pleasant, you know.  She has got herself a new lens, and it's a macro lens (whatever that is) and she was mucking about trying to see if it did portraits as well.  I am living proof that it does.

It's been a good day today, one way and another.  SHE got the lens, which means good moods all round; the weather is nothing short of glorious (me and Raj was hanging out in the deck earlier (see in extras).

And SHE was hanging out too - the washing that is, because yesterday's lot was all dry.

Now - I haven't seen little Ern for two whole days, and it going to be a long weekend so I won't see him for three more days.  And I think that when this new baby comes, I won't be seeing very much of Ernie at all, because Ollie is going to want to work from home a lot of the time.  So here's the thing.  Do you think I should get a doggy friend to come and live with us? 

I think I should on account of I am going to be soooo lonely, and being mates with Raj doesn't really cut the mustard.

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