The rest of forever...

By DrMac

The Youth of Today

Rags thinks these whipper snappers just need to calm down a bit.

There is much excitement in the house as Pip has been allowed to return to full ball-retrieving duties and so she and Lottie have vied for attention on a constant basis. What with the wind and the rain (don't get me started on the weather!) and their mucky paws, it was a messy but fun morning. Work was manic, just manic, and my back was irritating. Year 11 had their Leavers Celebrations and all passed very smoothly, and after a number of meetings and walking the site to look for flotsam and jetsam prior to Open Evening, I was glad when the bell went.

And I went to the accupuncture lady.

IT HURTS! Seriously, it bloody well hurt. She said it might, the muscles are so tense that apparently that makes is more painful. Evidently I have bricks and not muscles. She did the 'pins in the head' trick despite me warning her of my dodgy symptoms after the last jabbing appointment, but she said it would help.

Help? Do we have different dictionaires?

Anyway, she did the back half of my body, sticking one in the back of my knee which was a bloody killer! Then she did the burning and left me to 'relax'...ha ha. Then I fell asleep! Quality! I certainly was relaxed...I think I might have dribbled through the hole in the massage bed!! Then she came back and did the massage and cupping thingys and then flipped me over...CHRIST...she stuck the pins in my poorly knee and then had to peel me off the ceiling! Yikes! Anyway, she left me to 'relax' for another twenty five minutes and then came back and whipped em out. Job done.

Well, I went to Waitrose and bought some gin. I mean, I need a reward for coping with that experience!! Actually, I bought it for us for next weekend but I thought I should taste it to make sure it is nice. Hendricks. Bloody lovely. You'll like it. If there is any left! Ha ha! Seriously, I did my foodie shop and then came home to rest, doctors orders. So I skipped the Prom. Do I feel bad? No. I am taking work-life balance to the extreme and having some rest time for a change!!

But the good news is that tomorrow I'm allowed to go training! Seriously! No lifting, jumping, boxing, doing anything in a hurry or anything that hurts. Apparently. I'll probably last three minutes! Anyway, it will be nice to get the body moving after two weeks of utter boredom.

Wish me luck!

Eight sleeps...yeeeeehaaaaaa!!

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