Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

Dear Mr. Dibbs Doolittle

I managed to capture Mr. Dibbs Doolittle relaxing under our tree in stoic contemplation. I've never been a "cat person", but when I spotted Dibbs as a wee kitten amidst his litter mates, I knew immediately that he was our guy. The only gray tabby in the lot, he sports large circular patterns on either side. I remember driving home with this teeny little kitten meowing nearly non-stop. In his younger years, he was extremely shy, often hiding when company came around. 

Over time, he blossomed and has nonchalantly slept through hours of piano practice, chorus rehearsals, and cello quartets without losing one wink of sleep. In his heyday, he topped the scales at 19 pounds, earning him the nickname of Fat Cat. He is fat no more as he enters his Golden Years, and with his declining health we have witnessed considerable weight loss. He's the best cat ever. He doesn't do a lot, he only does a little - he's our Mr. Dibbs Doolittle. xoxo

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