
We both slept well in our redecorated digs at the Claremont. The hotel was recently purchased by the Fairmont Hotel group and will no doubt be beyond our means once they finish the massive remodeling and redecorating it is undergoing at the moment and raise their rates to astronomical levels.

 They've done a fairly good job of keeping the majority of the construction mess and noise out of sight, but there are lots of guys with hard hats, paint covered clothes and tool belts wandering about. As far as we could tell from our room, they have painted, changed the carpet and exchanged the old hotel style furniture for Fairmont hotel style furniture. Not much difference in other words except for the colors which have gone from mixed tartan and floral to pale purple and black.  It still has the same fabulous view of the bay and the City as it has always had.

Fully recovered from our dental traumas of yesterday, we had coffee at Peet's, which has also been redecorated, and headed down to Looking Glass Photo for my rendezvous with Brian, "the Leica guy". I took OilMan with me because we have reached the point in life where it takes both our brains to even begin to take in information. Brian was worth every penny, and I have six weeks to process and practice what he went over today before I meet with him again.

The best thing I learned is what great macro shots this little camera is capable of, so I offer that fact as my Tiny Tuesday entry, even though I realized when I got to the car that I hadn't taken a picture of Brian and had to run back and, since I had to get him down off a ladder for for it, I offer him for today's picture 

Confession: I put the camera back on 'auto' on the way back to the store because I was too rattled to try anything he had patiently explained during the hour. Much will be made clear, I hope, in the next week.

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