it's a family portrait...
...of deer
i really couldn't have asked - for better posing - if i'd actually placed them myself - i mean, really? - usually with family portraits - there is much fussing - arguing, bickering and whatnot about - who is going to stand where - but these majestic beauties simply - placed themselves in a nice little circle - with papa in front to show off - who is the big head of the family - what a wonder to behold - it amazed me as well - with a bit of sweet talking - i was able to get all of them to look at me - at the same time so i could snap off - several shots before they decided - they'd had enough - and sauntered on their way
animals will allow you to interface - with them if you are respectful - of their space - treat them with curtesy - recognizing nature is where they belong - i don't want to intrude upon that - i truly want them to understand i mean - them no harm and in my conversation with them - i tell them this - when i am done, have gotten - my shots, i am always careful to tell them - how grateful i am - thank them for it - you might think i am silly for doing so - i tend to believe it keeps a balance - between us - it is a fragile unspoken balance - which exists between humans and nature - we should be ever mindful of it - we are on the planet to co-exist - to walk with each other - because we need each other - one look at this picture reminds me - of that delicate balance - how precious and important it is - how i am one with it - how much it contributes to the making of...
happy day.....
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