A quick jaunt down to Knutsford, this afternoon, for a marketing meeting. To be honest, I'm dubious about a lot of marketeers. Once, I was advised to send prospective clients an orange to show how fresh our thinking was. I sat there looking into the marketing person's enthusiastic expression, dying a little inside and wishing that the fire alarm would go off.
After many years of trying I finally found someone to work with, a smart lady called Juliet, who was the first person in marketing to provide me with a strategy that sounded realistic to me, based more on focused effort than a shotgun, 'surely someone will like it' approach.
The thing I still struggle with sometimes is that marketing isn't about sales, at least not directly. But it is about presenting yourself and your company in a way that potential clients will find attractive and, for me, that needs to be honest, too, which is another reason I like working with Juliet. She gets who we are.
Today we met up with my colleague Lou for a coffee in Knutsford's wine bar. To be honest, I wish we could have enjoyed their wine rather than their slightly hit and miss coffee but it was a good meeting all the same. I always enjoy discussing ideas with smart people.
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