Nice anecdote….

When I was in advertising we worked for Filofax Organizers and had created an International campaign called 'Famous Filofaxes' in which we featured 'archeological' re-found original Filofaxes of well known people.

One of them was God's Filofax in which my partner and I showed the original creation of the Earth in seven days in which God originally planned 'Immortality and Everlasting Peace' for the Seventh day, but decided to make it a Restday leaving us with a minor problem ;-)

One day we were phoned by the Editor in Chief of a Womans Lib magazine called 'Opzij' as our client had booked a double page spread in her magazine. She demanded to know how we could be so inconsiderate to feature an advertising about a man in her women's magazine.

My copywriter who had picked up the phone thought for a brief second and answered… 'Are you suggesting that God isn't a woman???'

The editor was startled about this answer and agreed to ran the ad in combination with an article 'Was God a woman?'

This sign reminded me of that old - true - anecdote

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