Well, that was


Took a gentle stroll to the GP this morning.

Meeting was going well.  Answers to many questions were discussed.  The endometrioma that showed up on the scan a month ago is roughly the size of a tennis ball.  Hormones are all over the shop.  Thyroid is fine. Nothing sinister underlying - she had literally had me tested for everything.

We then moved onto my blood pressure.  It has been low for a long time.  Lower than that the last couple of months.  We have reduced my medication to see if this helped...it didn't.  My dizzy spells haven't improved and I have been experiencing a lot of brain fog, headaches and forgetfulness.  This could well be because of hormonal factors, akin to 'baby brain' which most women experience in late pregnancy and after the baby is born.  Also common in menopausal women.  Which I most definitely am according to one of my hormone markers.  It also could be because of low blood pressure.

I have also been experiencing pain under my ribs on the right hand side.  Worse on breathing in.  Oh yeah, and racing heart.

I told her all of this, as she did my blood pressure whilst seated.  It was low.  We then did a standing BP.  Which was lower.  We then repeated the standing BP - with the expectation that it should have levelled out.  However, it had dropped even more. (82/60 ...Faye - this is REALLY low...I thought of you as I noted it all down and you pulled a puzzled face at me in my head!)

"Do you feel dizzy?" she asked as the room span...she listened to my heart, which was apparently tachycardic.  "I am ringing the hospital and having you admitted.  An ambulance will take you"....

I managed to add "Hospital, NOW" to the detailed notes I had been taking.

Emergency first response paramedic arrived in less than 5 minutes, ambulance 10 minutes later. 

My paramedics - hilarious.  Big hearted scousers.  Born comedians.  Kind of reminded me of my Nana and Aunty Rose in younger days.  Angie - drove the ambulance like Ayrton Senna on a Grand Prix track.  It was exciting and probably explained why my BP rose!!!

After that point, my BP was, ironically, the highest it has ever been and it continued to be that way until I was discharged from the hospital at 3pm.

So, blood tests ruled out blood clots on the lung.  Chest x-ray was clear.  BP settled down.  Dizziness still there and the pain in my right side and my abdomen remained.

The current thought is that either there is some endometriosis on my lung or my diaphragm, which is possible.  Or the cyst has grown and is causing pressure on other organs which may be causing resultant pain in my lungs.  In either of those two scenarios, the only way to find out will be to identify it through surgery.

I have told my full medical history to 3 paramedics, 4 separate doctors and 5 different nurse specialists today alone.  I have had 5 vials of blood taken.  4 ECGs.  blood pressure taken upwards of 10 times.  1 x ray.

Oh, and my Doctor has ordered a head CT - waiting for the appointment.

The NHS is a marvellous resource.  I am grateful to every single person who has contributed to my care today.  Above and beyond, genuine care.  Absolute disbelief from the medics that I carry on every day as though everything is normal.

My GP, that wonderful, caring, woman who has been so thorough, so patient and understanding in the last 12 months ...she is going on maternity leave in a couple of months and I will have to start explaining it all over again.  I am thrilled for her, beyond belief. She knows that.  But I confess, (and I know I am being selfish) that the thought of having to go back to square one for the 4th time, with a 4th GP just fills me with dismay.

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