
By Croft16

Veg plot..

..went down the shop to post a letter, and pick up a bill for the development company. Then tried to start A's tractor, but the battery was flat.

Walked down the croft with tans to do some weeding.

Quite like this "aerial" shot taken from the rock above..

There are three beds here. This side of the scarecrow is one, beyond it are another two. These are the beds that I rotate cropping from year to year.

Nearest has salads and potatoes, parsley, and gaps filled with courgettes. Hoed all the salads today, and weeded some of the courgettes. Still have three rows of tatties to dig. Beyond the scarecrow are peas and beans, nearly finished now and next to be pulled out. Onions were in the top left corner, but now harvested and replanted with spring brassicas. Working right, there's Oca under the second fleece, spinach ready to be pulled out, coriander, beetroot, and carrots. This side of those are swiss chard (weeded today), more salads, swede (under fleece),more coriander (weeded today), and parsnips (under fleece).

The fleece is there to stop the deer eating the crops..

Development company meeting tonight, so signing off now..

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