Having worked in a Solicitors’ office for most of my working life, I know that today is Michaelmas Day, otherwise known as the Feast of Michael and All Angels.
A great deal of my work was done in Commercial Conveyancing, and the “quarter days” were recognised days for the payment of rent i.e. Lady Day - 25th March, Midsummer Day - 24th June, Michaelmas Day - 29th September and Christmas Day - 25th December.
Sadly, we don’t have any Michaelmas Daisies in our garden, so I was searching around for another flower - I had already blipped the Heleanthus a few weeks ago and that was the most daisy-like flower in the garden, so I had to look further afield. Just over the road I spotted some of these buds - with flowers - peeping through a neighbours’ fence and as they were now on Council property, felt it would be all right if I picked and blipped them.
I wonder if you know what they are? I have put a photograph of the flower in my extras just in case you can’t work it out from the bud and the leaves.
Sometimes we feel we want to stay closed and tight like this bud, maybe because someone has hurt us or we don’t feel up to seeing people, perhaps after a bereavement, a broken relationship, an illness, the loss of a job or any other traumatic experience. However, once we have had the courage to open up and step out, our circumstances often change and we feel much better - maybe not immediately, but as time goes on, we become more confident and more accepting of who we are and what we can become. Perhaps we didn’t even realise how closed we were until we actually opened up.
“…..and then the day came
when the risk to remain tight,
in a bud,
became more painful
than the risk it took to blossom…..”
Elizabeth Appell
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