Vehiculo Largo (A long vehicle)

One of the few sunny days left in Barcelona. I found this quirky long vehicle in Barceloneta's beach. You can see the bicycle pulling this long car in my extra photos.

I looked at the weather forecast and it seems that it's gonna be rainy and cloudy for the rest of my holidays. Just my luck! Looks like I brought the weather with me... Anyway...

A relaxing day on the whole. A meeting with a friend was cancelled in the afternoon, but I had a couple of drinks later on in the evening with another friend of mine.

Good news is that I seemed to have somehow managed to sort out my SD card issue with my computer. Don't ask me how though... My computer can identify the cards now and that's what counts! :)

I have a bit of a sore throat now. I hope it doesn't develop into anything nasty.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts. I hope you're all well! :)

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