Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Me, myself and I

We're pleased to say that the wee lady woke up bright and cheery, with a renewed zest for life. Did I mention that it was at 2am?

Despite burning the midnight oil, she managed to stay chipper all day. If only I could say the same for her big brother.  You could definitely say he was a bit of a threenager today.
'What did you do at preschool?'
'I didn't do anything'
'Did you sing?'  
'I said I didn't do anything'
'Did you make some art?'
'No. I didn't do anything!'

Later on, his mum scolded him, 'Don't be mean to your sister'.
'But I want to be mean to Fenella.' 

A push and a shove later and he was sent to his room for refusing to say sorry. 
It didn't get much better from there on in.
'I don't want to eat my dinner'
'I don't want to get in the bath!`
'I don't want to wear my pyjamas!'
'It's not bedtime!'

The one positive from all this? We suddenly noticed that the wee man is referring to himself in the first person now! Good (bad) lad! 

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