Road - Nick Drake
Thanks for the great response yesterday everyone.
A good morning's work at the college this morning. Not much else to report today. The tactful part of me decided no to post a blip of female students after Young girls by Dan Sartain came up in todays options. This seemed like the least ambiguous of the titles that I had left to work with after that.
Nick Drake is someone I only really started listening to last year. I was aware of the name, but he was nothing more than a name to me. anyway last year my mum was up visiting and I'd got her some Fopp tokens for her birthday. She came back from Fopp with, amongst other things, the three Nick Drake albums to replace her vinyl versions of them and that was really my frst exposure to him.
I'm glad she introuced me to him as he has a great voice and wrote some cracking songs.
Fortunately someone calle dlivingsculptures seems to have made their own video for this one on youtube.
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