Random Pics and Thoughts

By andygurnell

Top Dog

Ebony is the perfect dog. She had to be as when we got her I really wasn't convinced we wanted a dog.

When Linda and I moved in together, she brought with her Buster, an aged Yorkshire terrier. Buster and I never got on. When Buster went to the great kennels in the sky, Linda wanted to get another dog but she knew that it would need to be something special to win me over.

Enter Ebony! She came from a lady who rescued dogs and apparently was a failed gun dog. However, much to Linda's disgust, Ebony immediately latched onto me and became "my dog" within a matter of days.

That was back in 2009. Since then we have never looked back. I am a black Labrador convert and very happy we got her (and if I have to admit it even Poppy the terrier cross I blipped yesterday is now part of the family!)

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