23 Skidoo

23 skidoo (sometimes 23 skiddoo) is an American slang phrase popularized during the early twentieth century, first attested before World War I and becoming popular during the 1920s. It generally refers to leaving quickly, being forced to leave quickly by someone else, or taking advantage of a propitious opportunity to leave, that is, "getting [out] while the getting's good." The exact origin of the phrase is uncertain.

23 skidoo has been described as "perhaps the first truly national fad expression and one of the most popular fad expressions to appear in the U.S," to the extent that "Pennants and arm-bands at shore resorts, parks, and county fairs bore either [23] or the word 'Skiddoo'."

I think this phrase fits, 40 years later as my dark hair and eyebrows have done a nearly complete skidoo, but my freckles have refused to budge.

I've been digitizing some old slides before they fade away and came across this, taken in Denmark in '72. Next week at this time I'll be in Scandinavia again, basking in the glow of some special friends.

For the Record,
This day came in the same, hot and humid, the heat should break tonight...if I don't first. Off to the painting studio today, hoping to finish Nora & Gordon .

Congrats and hugs to friend, a most worthy blipper, awarded a shining crown for outstanding work.

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